Shabes mixtape

[cross posted from Bob's Beats]

First and last
The series is nearing its end. Last week it was just me, playing Bruce Springsteen and James Last on cassette. This week, CDs and radiator (who now blogs here) reflects on the rise and fall of the independent record store and explains his daughter's name, and TNC (who too infrequently blogs here) explores heavy metal's homoerotic underbelly and hip hop's late period. You have a couple of days to add your first and last CDs, and next week we move into the future with mp3s.

Infra-global: The Devil's Anvil
Anti-Gravity Bunny posts on the super-cool New York/Near Eastern psychadelic hard rock outfit The Devil's Anvil, a glimpse into an alternative Middle Eastern future past, perhaps.

Infra-global: Biafra
Having something of an elective affinity for the Biafran cause, I was very interested in this post on the music of the Biafra independence movement, on Likembe, a wonderful African music blog I will be adding to the blogroll.

Jazz is...
Jumpin Jive for July 4th
