Why Alan Johnston was released

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According to a very interesting post at Israel Matzav*, there have been reports that Hamas have paid money to the Dugmash (Doghmush) clan, AKA Army of Islam, who held Alan Johnston. The blogger says that, as the clan also hold Gilad Shalit, it is unclear whether they were paid to free Johnston or hold Shalit. However, some reports say that Shalit is in fact held by the Durmush clan, AKA Islamic Army (who have also held Peruvian journalist Jaime Razuri, and were paid $1 million to release two Fox News journalists they held late in 2006). Can anyone tell me, are Durmush and Dugmush the same folks?

* Apologies for wrong link - link now fixed - go read!


Very interesting. Another point to the story. I have put a free Johnston thingy on my blog, which I should remove soon, but whilst I am sympathetic to the three Israeli prisoners, I am reluctant to put the tag you have so beautifully depicted here withe he picture of Gilad. The reason is that I am well aware that Israel holds 1000s of prioners many without any trial. It is in my mind hypcritical to decry our three hostages, even go to war for it and forget that we hold 1000s. What do you think?
further I found this

bob said…
Yes, this is true - the 3 are nothing compared the 1000s.